What makes an Effective Executive Assistant?

The role of an Executive Assistant has evolved over the years and is now usually a highly visible, demanding and integral role within any company.

Performing demanding roles on behalf of their boss, such as preparing executive reports, making presentations, attending and even making strategic contributions during executive board meetings etc. So what makes an Executive Assistant effective?


Understanding the business strategy

Fundamental to the role of senior executives in any organisation is the delivery of the business strategy. These senior executives need the support of a high quality team around them if success is to come. The Executive Assistant is at the core of this team and needs to be able to speak the language of the senior management team or Board. The old adage “Once you know why, you’ll figure out how” applies to the role of the Executive Assistant. Executives and Senior Managers who enable their Assistants to gain this understanding will get a significantly enhanced performance.


Understanding the wider business issues

The Executive Assistant is the eyes and ears of their boss. The ability to listen and to communicate across the organization is a key skill that should be encouraged and learned. A clear understanding of the priorities, motivations and issues of others across the organization is invaluable to the Executive Assistant in the daily tasks.


Operating efficiently and effectively

Some would say that it’s not “what you do” but “how you do” but I think it’s a combination of both. There is no point hammering out a 20-page report for your boss in 30 minutes if it is full of errors. Conversely there is little point issuing the same report three days late with no errors. The Executive Assistant should aim to deliver the report on time with no errors. That is being both effective and efficient.


Being a natural problem solver

There is always a solution to every problem, finding that solution at times can be harder than others but it is there. Remember your boss doesn’t have time to listen to just the problems he needs someone that can give him effective solutions too. So when discussing problems with your boss always make sure you have the answers too.


Being a rigorous planner

“People don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan.” This applies not only to the Effective Assistant’s role of course but is one of its most critical aspects. The Executive Assistant is not just planning their own work but is also planning their boss’s. Efficient planning is not normally a solitary task. The effective project manager does not plan in isolation – they include their team. The Executive Assistant does not normally have this luxury. The Boss is always too busy to sit down and get involved in the planning but still naturally expects it to go smoothly. Therefore rigorous planning is essential – but so is insisting that the boss does at least review his plans with you.


Being an influencer

Not all Executive Assistants work for the top person in the organization. The majority operate at executive or senior management level and have to influence not only downwards but across and upwards.


With time and experience it is critical to master and recognize when to use some of the key influencing tactics such as Consultation, Rational Persuasion, Exchange, Upward Appeals and last but not least Pressure, a skill that needs to be used with careful consideration but by mastering great intuition it can deliver excellent results.


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Annalli Hamilton