Assistants Run The world!

Assistants, PA’s, Secretaries or EA’s - call them what you like! They run the world; it’s just that no one else has realised it yet!

Here are 10 things every assistant will identify with:-


“Oh and managers please don’t take offense at this, these things happen because you are superhuman busy but a good assistant will always be 10 steps ahead of you. Identifying with the below is actually a sign of a good assistant and, if you are brutally honest, you know most of these are true too!”


1. You are a fountain of knowledge; from reciting the London underground map for journeys to knowing what their nephew would like for his birthday, even though you have never met the said nephew!


2. Despite providing everyone with full details, weeks in advance of a meeting, someone will want that exceptionally large document printed out and will only ask you minutes before the meeting starts! Someone else will be late and one attendee will deny all knowledge that the meeting even exists and fail to show.


3. Technology will always let you down when you need it most; and YES you have already tried turning it on and off again!


4. You will find an email in your boss’s sent items full of meetings they want you to arrange but they forgot to cc you on it ( and then wish Gmail would invent a little reminder that pops up, you know like the “you said attachment” pop up).


5. Christmas party planning starts in August and the rest of the office think you are mad for thinking about the festive seasons whilst they go on their summer holidays.


6. You are prepared to accept blame and never deny it …. “I’m sorry, my PA didn’t put it in the diary” not “I am sorry, I forgot to ask my PA to put this in my diary”


7. The pleasure of preparing the perfect itinerary down to the minute details only to be given it back for recycling after the trip – Unopened.


8. It becomes easier to choose your managers lunch at Pret than your own and the staff at Starbucks think you share your bosses name as you get them more coffee than you get for yourself!


9. You will spend hours setting up that “really important” monthly meeting with really busy people all year, despite knowing 50% of attendees will cancel in a month’s time for other priorities.


10. When the office empties at 4pm every Friday because they have exciting weekend plans, you are left sending out mailchimp campaigns knowing no one’s going to read them over the weekend anyway.


…….but despite relating to all of the above, you are diligent, loyal and dutiful.


With a strange sense of accomplishment, you take satisfaction from knowing you are the “ secret cog” that keeps things moving along; selflessly doing your job that make others seem super organised and on the ball!


Keep going, one day the rest of the world we realise who’s is running things


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Virtual Assistant Sadie Bell